2019 was a year not like others full of new experiences at different levels!

Conferences level

It was my first year speaking at big international conferences about testing and agile topics around the world.

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2019 conferences

My very first international conference ever was Journée agile in Belgium #journeeagile it was in June 2019. During the same month I presented the same talk at Agile En Méditerranée #agilemed19 and it was the first agile conference in Tunisia.

My adventure with conferences continue in September and I combined the flight with two conferenes one in Europe (France) and one in North America (Canada).

Also, I get the chance to speak at Software-QS-Tag QS TAG #qstag in October 2019.

And Dev Test Day Sofrecom Tunisie #devtestday

Meetups Level

I organized 4 Ministry of Testing Sfax Meetups in my home country.

You can find out more insights about my 2019 meetups

Articles Level

My article was published in the Ministry of Testing


Games Level

I discovered many #agile and #testing games that enable builsding the tester mindset.

Although it was a year with no stop where almost all my personal time was dedicated to achieve my goal but I’m very proud with my achievement.

Travelling Level

The most exciting days was dedicated to do the #edgewalk at the CN Tower in Toronto and visiting NiagaraFalls such a magical place with lots to see and even more adventures at the most famous landmarks in the world.

Best Wishes for 2020

Wish you a very successful new year full of great achivements looking forward for what 2020 can bring